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Healthy Heart Nutrition

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Discover the inspiring journey I took to become a holistic nutritionist.   How it began with asking questions for true health. The history of medicine and why western medicine is the way it is today.  How I discovered the simple joys of food's transformative power to heal as medicine.  Through study and experience, I've embraced wellness as a balance of body, mind, and spirit. Now, I guide others toward optimal health through holistic nutrition.  Scroll below to see My Story.

My Story

I’ve been a Registered Nurse for over 30 years.  I have worked in many various positions and units.  I have worked with every population and demographic from the east coast to the west coast and in-between.  I have floated for 10 years all over in 4 different hospitals, very large and very small.  My experience spans a wide range of units, including medical, surgical, telemetry,PCU, ICU, ED, NICU, Pediatric units and more.  I did a lot of mom/baby and Oncology (cancer unit) I've also worked in home health, nursing homes, and assisted living centers, and have experience in travel nursing and GI endoscopy procedures.  I have worked in GI for the last 8 years doing things such as ERCP (Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography) which is removing stones from the common bile duct.  GI bleeds(finding a bleed in the GI tract), and foreign body removals (removing meat or objects that have been swallowed).  I have helped with PEG tube(stomach feeding tubes) insertions, maintenance, replacements and removals, becoming a PEG tube specialist giving presentations and teaching at symposium conferences, skills fairs and private teaching to radiation and cancer infusion centers.  In other words, I have been around the hospital and various nursing environments a lot.  I have spent my life seeing personally and up close, all the problems, health issues, diseases, heartbreaking death and loss of life that occurs daily.  I have seen medicine try to help and sometimes it does, but many times it only maintains or manages symptoms.  I have observed more and more disease and health problems increase and not heal causing chronic disease and conditions.  So much suffering.   I have seen and heard of brutal botched surgeries that cause a lifetime of trauma and problems.  I have witnessed burn-out from myself and other nurses trying to do all the tasks we are supposed to do with charting consuming more and more of the time and less and less towards patient care.  I have seen medication administration consume the majority of the tasks.  So many medications—constant and enormous.  My task as a nurse was to give all the morning medications to every patient as fast as I could then by the time I was done it was time for the noon medications and then the evening medications.  My entire time was spent just giving medications with little left over to solve problems or advocate for patients.  Upon reflection of this pointless task, I stopped to ask why?  Why so many medications all the time?  Why is the only solution to something such as high blood pressure, a pill?  There is no cure?  You have to take a pill for the rest of your life and you can never have your high blood pressure cured?  Why is this the only option?  I then would see articles posted in our nurses break rooms which would show things like a common blood pressure and heart rhythm medication caused Diabetes.  That a commonly given chemo drug, which is a mix of both human and mouse antibodies mixed together, can eventually cause the tumor to return in 10 years if it cures the cancer at all.  It can also cause severe reactions if there are any allergies to rats or mice and sometimes it can cause allergies to rats or mice to develop.  As a nurse, I had to know these precautions and side-effects to administer the drug, but not necessarily tell the patients these truths.  I saw how a popular weight loss/diabetes shot is made from Gila Monster venom, a poisonous desert lizard from the southwest.  This medication paralyzes the stomach’s vegus nerve preventing the stomach from digesting food.  After a long time, it can destroy the vegus nerve leading to gastroparesis—the inability of the stomach to empty food contents.  This causes malnutrition and deficiencies.  The crazy combinations that healthcare comes up with is quite scary really.  When you think that the average human being has been subjected to all kinds of treatments from using animal proteins, antibodies and/or cells of everything from horse urine, rats/mice, monkey cells, cow brains, bats, venoms from poisonous snakes, lizards, spiders, scorpions, cone-snails and frogs.   Are we supposed to put animal DNA, venoms and proteins into our own cells and body?  Is this healthcare?  Isn’t this kind of barbaric?  All this is done with the promise of a “new cure” a new medicine that has the promise of the solution to all our ills.  But more often than not, it causes more disease and more problems while only masking the symptoms, creating the illusion of a cure. 

          I have seen this cycle play out over and over again.  There are now currently 70,000 different disease codes in the computer system for insurance billing.  That is mind blowing!   70,000 different diagnoses’ that humans can get.  I began to think and believe that there must be a better, a simpler way to achieve health.  So much of our western medicine today is built upon pharmaceutical drugs and their promises.  But the problem is, while medications are prescribed left and right to treat this and that, they are never taken away, or at least not very often are they removed.  I have gone into homes of patients as a home health nurse and have had to filter through bags and bags of medications, some of which were old prescriptions started on years ago but never removed.  The patients were confused about what the medications were for and the difficult names which they can’t pronounce only added to the confusion.  Isn’t there a better way?  What are these medications anyway?   Most causing a laundry list of side-effects.  Any pharmacist will tell you that if you take more than 2 medications, they can’t really tell you what the interactions will be.  Why are we doing this to our bodies and calling it healthcare?  It seems like it is more like sick care not healthcare.  The Healthcare industry is the number 3 cause of death in the United States.  That's appalling!  For an industry that is suppose to be creating health and curing, why is it number 3 in the cause of death?

          I became a nurse to heal people and help them become well again.  I became disillusioned with the healthcare system.  As I began to dig into the history of medicine, I believe I discovered the start and cause of the corruption of medicine and healthcare. 

Rockefeller Medicine-

          John D. Rockefeller,(1839-1937 was a big tycoon businessman for Standard Oil.  He controlled 90% of all petroleum refineries in America at one point.  He was widely considered the wealthiest American of all time, he became one of the richest men in modern history.  Will all his millions and millions he discovered that medicine could be made out of oil called “petrochemicals”. Vitamins recently discovered at the time, were found to be essential to health and these vitamins could also be synthesized artificially.  Rockefeller was excited at the possibility of developing drugs and "medicine" from petroleum.   He soon realized that he could monopolize multiple industries at once through his oil-based markets, not just petroleum, but also chemical markets making such things as plastics and new medical products.  All these could be patented which he could own and then sell for high profits.  Rockefeller who famously stated, “Competition is a sin”, set out to drive any and all competitors out of business. 

          At the time, Natural and Herbal medicines were popular.  Almost 50% of the medical doctors were practicing holistic medicine.  Treating the body as a whole and incorporating knowledge from Europe and Native American traditions.  Some medical specialties also included chiropractic naturopathy, homeopathy, holistic medicine as well as herbal medicine.  He targeted these practitioners by buying media and government officials to attack all these practitioners. . He attacked their reputations, demonized them and discredited them in newspapers, sued them in courts, ruined their careers and reputations and even caused some to be imprisoned.   Then partnering with Andrew Carnegie, he paid millions to medical schools in “donations” with the strict stipulation that they only teach his allopathic, pharmaceutical, synthetic oil-based medicine.  He created the AMA (American Medical Association) and petitioned congress for a “standardization in medical education” requesting that the AMA be the only one to grant medical school licensure in the U.S.  He bought I.G. Farben, a German pharmaceutical company to further eliminate the competition and so he could own a drug manufacturing company providing more clout in petitioning congress.  The Flexner report, which was submitted to congress by Abraham Flexner, who was a hired contractor for Rockefeller, was savvy enough to convince congress to change laws relating to medical practice and then labeled alternative practitioners as “unscientific quackery”.  With the laws changed, allopathic medicine became the standard for healthcare.  Its newly created treatments included things like bloodletting, surgery—which was a barbaric practice at the time, and the injection of toxic heavy metals such as mercury and lead to “displace disease”.  Together Rockefeller and Carnegie managed to completely dismantle the previous curricula of the medical schools diverting them away from any mention of the healing power of herbs or natural remedies. The power of diets and other natural treatments were expunged.  All medical and nursing students are taught this same allopathic model which has become nothing more than a pill prescribing system of patented drugs, endless surgeries and heavy metal poisoning and toxicity (especially in vaccines). Since you can’t patent a natural plant or herb, any and all mentions of herbal, plant-based medicine is censored, demonized, attacked, and buried.  Most of what this does is make drug companies extremely rich and patients continually sick and in debt.  It is a standardized healthcare system built on money, profits and keeping people sick and in the system.  If you're cured, there is no profit.  (

          After learning about the roots of our corrupt medical system I became obsessed with learning about true medicine and true health.  To learn how the body really works, what is the root cause of disease and what will help the body heal.  This has been a mind-blowing adventure.  It has been difficult to realize that everything I thought I knew about health, the body and healing was a lie.  I have had to unlearn what I was taught and to re-learn what is true health. This has been a life transforming experience.  I became a nurse to help people heal and achieve their best life.  It is very difficult to be in fear, worry, and desperation for a cure, hoping for a solution to health issues.  It breaks my heart to see this as people suffer.  It consumes your life and your finances.  They have made so much money off of humanity it is sickening.   Healthcare’s whole business model has been built around dollar signs and not around humanity and helping people.  Many doctors have committed suicide once they have realized the dead-end model they are trapped in.  They work poor doctors, nurses and healthcare professionals to death, demanding more time and effort from them so they can squeeze one more dollar out of the patients they see.  Doctors and nurses are afraid to speak up for fear of having their licenses revoked or losing their jobs.  There are many healthcare professional that turn a blind eye and don’t even look at or consider anything better because it has been so endlessly sold to them that this is the only way.  Many fear to go against the system and like robots just keep on doing the same broken methods and prescribing they have always done because that is all they know how to do.  There are tons of burn-out and disillusionment.  I hope to change that and show patients and medical professionals alike, that there are cheap and simple solutions for health.  That achieving true health doesn’t have to be hopeless or abandoned.  Together we can find the solutions to the problems that are facing our society and our health.  Together we can build humanity back up and restore the true essence of health and healing. 


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